Not everyone that has gallstones experiences gallstones symptoms but those that do often suffer. This article discusses gas and belching.
Everyone has gas with certain foods they eat and it is normal for people to belch or pass gas every day. These normal occurrences may become gallstones symptoms when either becomes excessive and happens almost every time you eat foods that have a high fat content.
Some of the foods that might trigger the types of gas and belching you get with gallstones might be:
French fries
Onion rings
Pasta with a rich cream sauce
That's just a small list of the fatty foods that triggered my gallstones symptoms. I found that any food that was high in saturated fats or cholesterol left me full of gas and belching.
The belching and gas was bad enough that no antacid helped. I would sometimes belch up bile or stomach acid and I can testify that you will NEVER forget the nasty taste of bile once you have experienced it and you will do just about anything that sounds even remotely plausible to prevent it from happening again.
The gas that built up after eating usually felt like someone was trying to inflate a beach ball in my stomach and it often felt like it was getting worse with every belch.
The gall bladder usually delivers bile to the stomach so it can help break down the fats you consumed with your meal. When there are gallstones either blocking the ducts or partially blocking them, enough bile isn't delivered to do the job and you start experiencing a gas build up and belching from your partially digested food. Antacids work to reduce the production of bile so they may be helping make the problem you are trying to eliminate worse.
If you experience big gas build ups or bad sessions of belching almost every time you eat a good fatty meal, fast food or red meat; you may be experiencing gallstones symptoms.
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